Arthur Calver was Initiated into the Doric Lodge No.933 on the 14th March 1876. Described as a schoolmaster, aged 33 years, of 9 Antell Road, Bow. He was Installed Master on February 8th 1887. Invested as Secretary on February 11th 1890, in which office he continued for 36 years until 1926.
In addition to his services to the Doric Lodge, he became preceptor of the Victoria Park Lodge of Instruction, there to preside for 40 years. He was also Preceptor of the Woodgrange Lodge of Instruction from its inception, remaining in that office for 35 years. In recognition of his valuable services, both Lodges made him and Honorary Member.
Grand Lodge recognized his services to Freemasonry by conferring on him the Honour of A.G.Purs. in 1916.
Bro. Calver was Exalted into the Doric Chapter No.933 on September 15th 1885; was made M.E.Z. in 1892; became Scribe E. immediately on leaving the 1st Principal’s Chair, there also to serve until 1926.
Supreme Grand Chapter similarly honoured his services to the Royal Arch with the rank of P.A.G.D.C. in 1916.
He attended Emmanuel Church, Forest Gate, on the morning of Sunday 15th September 1929, where he read the lesson. Returning home, apparently in good health, he had lunch and was having his usual afternoon rest when he died in his sleep within a week of his 87th birthday.
At his internment at City of London Cemetery, the Doric, Woodgrange, Victoria Park, Byfield and Forest Gate Lodges were represented and sprigs of Acacia were dropped into the grave by the brethren.