A reserve list is now available for those still wishing to attend. Please see below.

On Wednesday 27th March 2024 West Ham Abbey Chapter will be officially celebrating one hundred years since its consecration. We have a great meeting planned and will be joined by the Provincial Executive. The planned format agenda includes:
- Induction of the ‘Father of the Chapter‘ into the First Principal’s Chair – E.Comp. Michael Davis, PPGReg (SLGCR)
- The receiving and dedication of our newly commissioned Chapter Banner.
- Presentation of our Centenary Charter to mark 100 years unbroken activity.
- Fine dining, raffle, drinks and mementos for attendees.
- All proceeds go to Combat Stress
The convocation will be attended by a delegation of the Executive Officers from the Provincial Grand Chapter of Essex who will be presenting the Centenary Charter and dedicating the banner. The chapter will open promptly at 4pm. Dining is priced at £40pp inclusive of wine and a copy of our centenary booklet.
Smoked Mackerel and Potato Salad
Lamb Shank, Creamy Mash and Seasonal Vegetables
Profiteroles and Cream
Tea & Coffee
Alternative dietary options available on request.
Bookings for this date are now closed due to capacity. We will still accept applications for the reserved list as there will inevitably be some cancellations. Payments for all bookings must be made by no later than Friday 15th March 2024.
Chapter centenaries are not a common occurrence. Royal Arch banner dedications are also very rare. If you are a Royal Arch Mason and would like to be added to the reserve list on a first come, first serve basis, please use the form below to indicate your interest.
For further information, you can email our Scribe E. using the following address, scribe.e@westhamabbey.org.uk